Hi there!

I am sooo sad that the Coldplay concert already ended this Tuesday! – But I really had a great time! My friend and I went to Parken in Copenhagen to see the concert, and Coldplay was absolutely amazing! Even better than expected! Even the bands that played before Coldplay was amazing! We had Marina and the Diamonds and Charli XCX  to play for us. I have not heard about Charli XCX before the concert, but I really like her music, she is really talented. Off course I knew the song Prima Donna Girls by Marina and the Diamonds before the concert, the music video was taped in Denmark, so off course I knew that song 😛
Well now to the point of this blog! I have some pictures I took to share with you guys. I hope you like it 🙂

Before Coldplay went on stage:
















Photos with Instegram:


Let me know if you also are a huge Coldplay fan?! 😀
Hope you liked this blog post, and I will see you soon fashionistaaaaas!

Pure Deigin